
Lost Judo Techniques in the Aikido curriculum


Right wingers stretch truth to try to justify accidental killing of black restaurant owner who was friendly to police.

The old saying goes "No good deed goes unpunished."  That is definitely the case with David "Yaya"  McAtee.  Prior to his death he had been a friend to all, even giving free meals to police officers.  During recent anti-police brutality protests, he was providing meals to protesters.  Some person or persons who have yet to be identified fired at police and national guard.  The police returned fired killing Mr. McAtee who was unarmed.  Most people would brush that off as "fog of war."  The police didn't intend to kill Mr. McAtee, but they didn't take a clear shot at a legitimate target either.  But don't tell that to some on the far right.  Some have pushed a narrative that Mr. McAtee was shooting at the police and his killing was therefor justified.  This is based on a surveillance video that they falsely claim shows Mr. McAtee shooting at the police.  Only, he's never holding a gun in the video.  At one point he's holding something tha